How Missy Kelly Turned Imperfection into a Business Growth Strategy

How Missy Kelly Turned Imperfection into a Business Growth Strategy
Photo Courtesy: Duston Todd

For many entrepreneurs, perfectionism is both a motivator and an obstacle. It can drive the pursuit of excellence, but also lead to self-doubt, procrastination, and burnout. The challenge lies in navigating this delicate balance, where the quest for perfection often intersects with self-worth and mindset. Missy Kelly, co-founder and CEO of CatTongue Grips, understands this dynamic well. Throughout her career, she’s learned that the real key to business success isn’t eliminating perfectionism, but rather reshaping how you relate to it. By dedicating herself to personal development and mindset work, Missy discovered how to harness the power of imperfection as a catalyst for growth—both personally and professionally.

A Foundation of High Expectations

Growing up as the youngest of three daughters, Missy felt the weight of high expectations from her family. With her father’s military background and her parents’ shared focus on excellence, she strived to be the “good girl”—the one who didn’t cause trouble or add to the family’s challenges. This drive for perfection unintentionally tied her sense of self-worth to her ability to achieve and perform.

Searching for Fulfillment: The Struggle to Find Purpose

Missy Kelly spent years feeling unfulfilled after college, abandoning the idea of law school after a summer internship and taking a sales job to pay the bills. She explored various paths, from running a tutoring business to working in real estate, excelling in each role. Yet, despite her success, Missy longed for a deeper sense of purpose and struggled to let go of what she thought she “should do” in order to follow her true calling.

At 36, her first spiritual retreat in Tucson, Arizona, marked a turning point. There, she confronted the perfectionism that had dominated her life and was introduced to mindfulness, self-compassion, and intuition. For the first time, Missy embraced her full self—both strengths and imperfections—and connected to the power of vulnerability. This pivotal experience not only helped her redefine her relationship with perfectionism but also laid the foundation for the intuitive leadership style that would later fuel the success of CatTongue Grips.

From Perfectionism to Intuition: The Birth of CatTongue Grips

Missy’s shift from perfectionism to a more intuitive, self-trusting approach was gradual. When she and her husband, Matt, launched CatTongue Grips, the journey was far from smooth. Their first product, a non-slip, non-abrasive phone grip, had flaws—the adhesive was too strong, leaving a sticky residue that frustrated customers. It quickly became clear that a new prototype was needed.

In the past, such a setback might have triggered Missy’s perfectionism, making her feel like a failure. But by then, she had learned to prioritize flexibility, intuition, and feedback over perfection. Instead of letting the imperfect launch derail her, Missy viewed it as an opportunity for growth. She came to see perfectionism not as something to eliminate but as a source of insight into her personal development. It was empowering to consciously choose which voice in her head to follow. Trusting her intuition and responding to market needs, Missy’s tenacity paid off—after several iterations, CatTongue Grips developed a product that resonated with customers far beyond its original phone grip purpose.

Responding to the Market: The Real Growth Strategy

The turning point for CatTongue Grips came when Missy and her team began actively listening to their customers. Once the product was optimized, feedback poured in about new ways it could be used. One mother shared how she cut the grip material to help her son with motor skill challenges hold his hearing aids more easily. A chance encounter with Paralympian Chris Waddell revealed the life-changing potential of their Gription Roll, which helped prevent essential items from slipping out of reach in a wheelchair. This expanded Missy’s vision beyond commercial success to a vehicle for impact and purpose.

Missy realized that growth wouldn’t come from chasing perfection but from embracing imperfections as gateways to innovation. By responding to customer needs, CatTongue Grips evolved from a single product into a versatile solution used across multiple industries—from assisting those with disabilities to applications in aerospace and the military.

This customer-driven approach became the true engine of the company’s growth. It wasn’t about rigidly sticking to the original concept, but staying open, adapting, and allowing the product to evolve in ways they hadn’t originally imagined.

How Missy Kelly Turned Imperfection into a Business Growth Strategy
Photo Courtesy: Duston Todd

Leadership Through Imperfection: Empowering Others to Grow

Missy’s personal evolution also transformed her approach to leadership. She realized true leadership isn’t about having all the answers or controlling every outcome—it’s about creating a space where others feel empowered to take imperfect action and grow. For Missy, this meant letting go of micromanagement and trusting her team to leverage their unique strengths. 

This mindset has allowed CatTongue Grips to thrive. By releasing the need for control and perfection, Missy has fostered a culture where team members feel valued and empowered to innovate. This shift has not only improved the company’s products but also created a work environment that encourages creativity and problem-solving.

The Ongoing Dance with Perfectionism

Missy Kelly’s story isn’t about conquering perfectionism; it’s about learning to dance with it—knowing when to step back and when to lean in. For Missy, perfectionism isn’t a flaw to eliminate but a force to harness. It’s about choosing which inner voice to feed: the one that drives anxiety and control, or the one that fosters growth, adaptability, and self-trust.

Her approach is refreshing: true leadership empowers others and recognizes that imperfection isn’t a barrier to success, but a path toward it.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for general informational purposes only. It does not constitute business, financial, or legal advice. While the experiences and strategies shared by Missy Kelly are personal and specific to her journey, results may vary, and individual circumstances will differ. Always seek the advice of a professional before implementing any new business strategies or personal development plans.


Published By: Aize Perez


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