On Coffee and Creativity: Brandon Ivan Pena Blends the Recipe for Success with 787 Coffee and His Triumphant Authorial Debut “Creative Fucker”

“Growth is a consequence of evolution,” such are the words of marketing expert, acclaimed author, and seasoned entrepreneur Brandon Ivan Pena. Trusting the process and letting his hard work materialize his vision, the acclaimed entrepreneur has found success in his flourishing coffee business, 787 Coffee. Hailed by Forbes as one of the fastest-growing coffee shops in the United States and Puerto Rico, 787 Coffee has become a global sensation all because of one key element: passion. 

Seamlessly blending Brandon’s roots and culture into a singular brand, 787 Coffee sources its coffee beans from Puerto Rico and cultivates them on American soil. Bringing the best of both worlds, the brand has captured a massive market with over 25 locations and counting. As the brand continues to grow, so does Puerto Rico’s economy, positioning Brandon and his company as major contributors.

Packed with flavor and a remarkable brand to go along with it, 787 Coffee attributes much of its success to Brandon Ivan Pena’s creative genius. Joined by his trusted business partner, Sam Supulveda, the two firebrand entrepreneurs have successfully disrupted the traditional coffee industry with a bold new flavor that only they can offer. 

With that being said, Brandon Ivan Pena is no stranger to the world of entrepreneurship. With firsthand experience in growing a family business, he eventually ventured out into investing and created his own brand in the process. Like most entrepreneurs, success didn’t come easy for Brandon. In fact, throughout the years, he had accumulated several experiences that have allowed him to pen the inspirational book, “Creative Fucker.” 

Never one to shy away from the grueling and harsh reality of business, Brandon Ivan Pena published the crass and crude “Creative Fucker” as a wake-up call to all the creative entrepreneurs out there. Filled to the brim with direct, straightforward, and creative advice that inspires readers to take action, the book is peppered with easy-to-follow illustrations that pack incredibly valuable insights Brandon himself has followed throughout his career. 

“This book is for creators only and is a source for daily motivation through illustrations. This book is a tool, and you should use it,” shared Brandon. As the title implies, each page of his triumphant book is simple and direct to the point. Clear and actionable statements such as “More Talent, Less Ego” prominently grace the book from front to back. 

Applying these crystallized statements has worked wonders for Brandon and 787 Coffee, and he hopes to share this knowledge with more aspiring people worldwide. Leaving an indelible mark in the business world, Brandon Ivan Pena has proven time and time again that there is nothing more important than the ability to believe in oneself. 

Becoming a wellspring of inspiration for all business-savvy people out there, Brandon has pulled out all the stops to make his dreams a reality. Drawing motivation from the love and support of his family, Brandon hopes that more and more people will grab life by the horns and take action toward their personal success. 

“Creative Fuckers,” is a testament to Brandon’s sheer genius. He hopes that readers will find intrinsic motivation as they flip through every page and apply each motivational thought while they progress in their success journeys. 

787 Coffee was born out of these simple ideas, and Brandon hopes that the next big thing will come as a consequence of his remarkable book. After all, a great entrepreneur once said, “Growth is a consequence of evolution.”


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