Embodied Consent: Transforming Hyper Focus on Victimhood – The Need to Find Our Voice

Embodied Consen
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Embodied Love, a leading organization dedicated to revolutionizing the way people experience love, intimacy, and pleasure, is tackling an important issue: the hyper-focus on victimhood and the necessity of finding our voice in intimate encounters. With their groundbreaking approach to embodied consent, Embodied Love aims to shift the conversation around consent beyond verbal communication and address the crucial element of body consent.

Embodied Love’s focus on embodied consent aligns with their primary goal of establishing themselves as industry leaders and disruptors. By highlighting the importance of body consent in addition to verbal consent, they aim to shift the narrative around consent and empower individuals to reclaim their voices in intimate encounters.

Through their relaxed, embodied, and pleasure-filled expertise, Embodied Love aims to normalize conversations around sex and provide accessible resources for individuals seeking fulfillment in their intimate lives. Their online courses, combined with their commitment to research and societal change, have garnered a following of satisfied customers and positioned them as industry leaders in sexual education.

In a world where the concept of love is often glorified as an all-consuming feeling, Embodied Love recognizes the need for love to be expressed through action. By understanding how love is embodied, individuals and couples can create and accentuate intimacy and healthy relational dynamics. Embodied Love offers practical tools, including their renowned online courses, designed to support connection, communication, and sexual fulfillment while addressing sexual dysfunction and optimizing pleasure.

One of Embodied Love’s core programs is “9 Naughty Nights,” a course specifically developed to enhance date nights and spice up couples’ sex lives. Their comprehensive range of courses includes “Be Her Best Ever” and “Blow His Mind,” designed to empower men and women with the knowledge and skills to improve their intimate relationships. Additionally, their upcoming courses “Last Longer to Feel More”, “Sex Gym” and “Revitalize” will offer specific techniques for men and women to boost sexual confidence, expand orgasmic potential, and eliminate pain or numbness during sexual experiences.

What sets Embodied Love apart is their integration of Suction Sex technology into their courses. This innovative method of penetrative sex goes beyond typical friction-based techniques, creating deeper intimacy and sexual satisfaction for all individuals involved. By normalizing pleasure and providing practical techniques that can be adapted to anybody and situation, Embodied Love is revolutionizing the way we approach sex and relationships.

Aaron Michael and Dr. Saida Désilets, the founders of Embodied Love, bring a wealth of expertise to their mission. Aaron, an acclaimed Sex and Intimacy Coach and the author of “Optimal Sex Life,” has dedicated himself to helping individuals overcome sexual challenges and enhance their confidence and pleasure. Dr. Saida Désilets, a renowned TEDx speaker and researcher, has spent 2.5 decades researching and teaching about the importance of accessing one’s erotic genius. Together, their combined expertise in psychosomatic sex coaching and embodied psychosexual methodology empowers individuals and couples to transform their sex lives for the better.

As part of their commitment to societal change, Aaron and Dr. Saida are co-authoring a medical protocol addressing sexual dysfunction and optimization. They are also actively collaborating with other researchers and doctors to develop programs that promote intimacy, sexual vitality, and healthy, secure relationships. By consulting with the South African Department of Justice, they are playing an instrumental role in reversing gender-based violence and creating safer communities.

For more information about Embodied Love and its transformative courses, visit EmbodiedLove.Love. Join the movement to transform the conversation around consent and reclaim our voices in intimate encounters.


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