Erin Alejandrino Leads the Charge in Building High-Value Boys and Men Through the Squire Program

Often, men are subjected to certain stereotypes damaging their psychological and social health, conditioned to follow a downward path that creates broken men. But it is time to break the jinx; for fathers to carve a success-enabling path for their sons to survive in this cutthroat world and thrive and succeed in life. On a mission to build strong and emotionally-intelligent men who grow up to be wholesome men with clarity on their path and purpose in life, the Squire Program was created. 

The Squire Program is a father-son rite of passage, where budding young men partake in a 15-hour-long ritual that transforms them from boys to men. The highly innovative program strengthens the bond between father and son as it teaches fathers how to groom their boys into capable and confident men, protectors and providers by leading by example on how to be better men and leaders. “You’ll be leading your son through multiple exercises and parts of the program and separating from him for group talks with the instructors and other fathers in the program.”

The once-in-a-lifetime program is created for young boys within the age range of 13- 15, teaching them essential life skills like how to survive everyday problems without losing their cool, dealing with difficult people, making and keeping a promise, how to show up as a man to their spouse, kids, and community and ultimately how to choose purpose over pleasure. 

Taking giant strides in building better men, the promising men’s Bootcamp is slated for November 5, 2022, January 14, 2023, and July 15, 2023, at an affordable fee of  $1,900, which covers expenses such as food, beverage and the operational cost of the event such as instructor fees, liability insurance, transportation bus, and equipment/gear, father and son can share a truly memorable and impactful experience. “Your son deserves this experience so he can step into the world as the confident and competent leader we desperately need more of.”

At the helm of this promising initiative are five powerhouses and men’s life coaches, Bedros Keuilian, US Marine Steve Eckert, US Navy SEAL Ray “Cash” Care, former US SWAT Operator Matt Schneider and Erin Alejandrino is a men’s lifestyle and transformation coach, host of The high-value man podcast, instructor, co-founder of the Modern Day Knight Project and co-founder and instructor for The Squire Program. On a mission to build high-value men, Erin shares life-changing information on how men can build confidence and charisma and transform their lives on his podcast, The High-Value Men Conversation. 

At the other end of the creative program is Bedros Keuilian, who is, first and foremost, a father. He is the founder of Fit Body Boot Camp, an international-renowned fitness franchise, author of the Wall St. Journal best-selling book Man Up, and mentor to professional athletes, top entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and former members of our military’s special operations communities. Sharing his motivation for co-founding the Squire Program, Bedros shared, “I want to provide a safe space where my son can be vulnerable while knowing his father is always there to guide him.”




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