How Eric Martel Bounced Back from the Dot Com Boom and Grew a Real Estate Empire

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Life can take all sorts of turns and detours. When that happens, many people throw in the towel, thinking it’s the end of the rope. But Eric Martel has a message to anyone who has had something terrible happen to them, especially in the area of finances—learn, adapt, and keep going. Accordingly, he’s out to share a message of hope to anyone who has lost wealth to dire circumstances by sharing his bounce-back story. 

Eric is many things rolled into one package: a real estate investor, entrepreneur, author, speaker, and podcast host. But in all he does, he’s determined to do one thing, and that’s to empower people to experience financial success and get rid of their retirement worries. Martel worked in the real estate industry early on, owning his own apartment building at the age of eighteen while still in university. After he graduated college, he started working as an actuary. During that season, he started to see many of the people’s struggles regarding estate planning and retirement preparation.

“I was dismayed to see hundreds of company pension plans being rolled over into 401(k)s shifting the retirement risk to employees,” shares Eric. “This made me reconsider traditional beliefs about retirement saving.”

That realization led Eric to switch gears and turn to the lucrative technology industry. But then, in 2001, the Dotcom crash happened, and the entrepreneur lost a large chunk of his fortune. Determined not to give up, Eric started to seek out waits to earn passive income, starting various businesses. It wasn’t easy, but he pushed through every single grueling day. Finally, he started a gourmet sauce company, which he eventually let go of. 

Eventually, Eric Martel would find himself again in the real estate industry. This time, he strategically selected the investment model and the markets to maximize his returns. He worked day in and day out for four years while carrying a day job to make ends meet. Finally, after what seemed like an Odyssey, Eric was in a position to focus on real estate investing full-time and reached significant heights rather rapidly. Today, he focuses on running a company called MartelTurnkey, which now employs several staff members and runs like clockwork. 

Today, Eric shares that journey with people, helping them build the mindsets to stay resilient amidst challenging seasons and pushing them to become better versions of themselves. He also helps avid investors achieve financial success through single-family home rentals, which have been on the rise amidst economic downturns caused by the recent COVID-19 pandemic. He also religiously creates motivational and educational content for people online, running a podcast called Break Away from the Rat Race, He talks about real estate, business, investing principles and other teachings. The goal of the podcast is to help listeners create strategies to achieve financial freedom. Eric has also interviewed other successful real estate professionals and entrepreneurs on the show, including Rich Fettke, Michael Zuber, Tim Milazzo, Thomas Staub, and many others. Eric believes that real estate investing is one of the most fool-proof ways to grow financially and loves to show people from all backgrounds how to get started. Learn more about Eric and his programs by visiting his website, Instagram profile, and Tiktok.


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