Kathrin Danzmayr Keeping Humans Connected, Grounded and Hopeful through Her Schubert Talk Program

The world isn’t a perfect place and the COVID-19 pandemic furthered that imperfection. Frustration, discord, hopelessness, and all forms of negative emotions are rife in today’s world and it’s easy to disregard them as part of the “21st century package.” But Kathrin does not think so. She created Schubert Talk, a reinvention of the 19th century “Schubertiades” which still holds in many parts of Europe till date. 

The origin of “Schubertiades” dates as far back as the 19th century when composer Franz Schubert and his friends met for intimate gatherings to lift one another’s spirits and decompress. These gatherings often featured poetry readings, dancing to performances of Schubert’s new materials and charades. Over the years, it has become a formal and informal festival held in different parts of Europe where friends gather, have fun and let off steam. 

Kathrin decided to bring the event to life as her way of executing her new passion for poetry and connecting with as many people as possible. Her motivation to keep Schubert Talk going comes from her newly found love for poetry. She has published some of her poems on vocal.media and is currently working on her poetry booklet which will contain a collection of poems. Kathrin will hold an online poetry slam/workshop/interview event at the end of May. Kathrin’s SchubertTalk holds every few months and features original performances by actors, poets, dancers, composers, and other artists rendering beautiful music by Franz Schubert or other composers. Kathrin’s goal is to create an environment that transcends the discord in the world and promotes upliftment, authenticity, hope, and inspiration.

Surviving the pandemic, SchubertTalk was placed on hold for the most part of 2020 because of the pandemic but 2021 has brought with it new ideas and business structure. Kathrin is currently pursuing her “Breathing for Warriors” certification with Dr. Belisa Vranich in New York, which is designed for helping athletes. Kathrin is passionate about vocal coaching and plans to make it full-fledged once the pandemic fully blows over. In her words, “I am currently looking for ways to keep things strictly online for now due to the pandemic. I expect to make it a business and get to meet people all over the world who are trying to train their voices. Also, I intend to move to a cool big city with my children in the summer so I can focus on working on my dreams.”

Kathrin targets rappers, musicians, entertainment personalities, street folks, skaters, DJs, clubs, the vocal, breathing, and life coaching community, and the wellness/fitness industry. Kathrin’s passion for bringing people together and ensuring happiness motivates her to pursue all of these ventures and bring them to reality. Her plan for SchubertTalk is to get as many people as possible to know about it and participate and hopefully make it something that the entire country can be a part of. “One unique thing about me is that I’ll always give respect and care to everyone regardless of who they are. It’s a personal principle and at SchubertTalk, those are principles we uphold,” she says.

Learn more about Schubert Talk on the official website and more about Kathrin Danzmayr on her official Instagram account.


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