Mentorship: A Millionaire’s Secret to Success

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Mentors are someone who act as an advisor to individuals that are seeking growth in a specific area of their life. Typically, mentees look for a mentor who works in their desired field of expansion. Mentors not only serve as a source of knowledge, but can also help to maintain accountability, help make connections, offer constructive feedback, and help to set goals. Mentorship can vary in many forms, but is most often executed either one to one, or in a group format. 

Despite the overall consensus that mentorship is beneficial, only 37% of employees currently have a mentor that they regularly seek wisdom from. This percentage is shockingly low, as one study found that companies promoted employees who are mentees five times more often than those not in a mentorship program. 

So how do you go about finding a mentor? First, determine your personal goals and how you expect a mentorship to help you achieve them. Then, identify someone who has the knowledge and experience to guide you towards those goals. 

Chris Patterson, now CEO of Interchanges and Live Large Coaching, is a prime example of the power of mentorship. Chris was 25 years old when he first recognized that his lifestyle needed a change. He was tired of being fired from jobs he didn’t enjoy, and waking up to a room full of empty beer cans and dirty laundry. To start making a shift, he decided to attend a ‘success seminar’ with his father. 

Chris Patterson shares his experience, saying, ‘There was a man who came out on stage, and the place went crazy. The environment was electric, and this man started saying things that I had never heard before. The thing that stood out to me most was when he said, “You can have everything you want if you just help enough other people get what they want.” I looked over at my dad and said, “Who is this guy?” He replied, “Son, if you don’t pay attention to anyone today, pay attention to him. His name is Zig Ziegler.”‘

It was here that he first discovered the author Zig Ziegler. While at the seminar, he set a goal. He wanted to see a major change in his habits over the next year. To start, he purchased a bunch of Ziegler’s cassette tapes and started to listen to the wisdom of someone that he felt would be best at providing him the knowledge to achieve his goal. Within that next year, Mr. Patterson moved to Florida, worked his way from a job at a health club through four different promotions, and even sold a club membership to his dream mentor Mr. Zig Ziegler. 

While selling the membership to Ziegler, he used the key components that he had learned through the cassettes of his dream mentor. He applied that learned knowledge to Mr. Ziegler himself, and in doing so, scored a one-to-one mentorship under the man he had looked up to for years. Because of Patterson’s diligence to mentorship via cassette style and the one-to-one sessions with Ziegler, his business has generated $1.6 billion dollars for clients over the years. 

Mentorship can be incredibly beneficial for both the mentor and the mentee. For the mentor, it can be an opportunity to pass on their knowledge and experience to the next, as well as to reflect on their own journey and growth. For the mentee, having a mentor can provide a sense of guidance and direction, as well as a supportive network of colleagues and professionals.

One of the key benefits of mentorship is the ability to receive personalized feedback and guidance. A mentor can offer insights and perspectives that may be difficult to obtain from other sources, such as colleagues or supervisors. This can be particularly valuable for individuals who are just starting out in their careers and may not yet have a strong network of professional contacts.

Mentorship can also help to build confidence and motivation. By working with someone who has a track record of success, a mentee can feel more motivated and confident in their own abilities. This can be especially important for those who may be struggling with self-doubt or who are facing challenges in their career.

In addition to offering personal and professional guidance, mentors can also help to open doors and make connections. By introducing their mentee to key people in their industry or organization, a mentor can help to create new opportunities and accelerate career growth.

Despite the many benefits of mentorship, it is important to remember that it is a two-way relationship. Both the mentor and mentee must be committed to the process and willing to put in the work to make it a success. This includes setting clear goals and expectations, and regularly meeting and communicating to track progress.

From being encouraged and empowered in personal development, to identifying and correcting gaps in skills and knowledge, the benefits of mentorship are innumerable and extremely valuable. If you’re interested in furthering your personal or professional growth, consider finding a mentor to guide you into greatness. 

For a more in-depth and personal understanding of the benefits of mentorship, contact Chris Patterson or visit his website:

In addition to offering personal and professional guidance, mentors can also help to open doors and make connections. By introducing their mentee to key people in their industry or organization, a mentor can help to create new opportunities and accelerate career growth.

Despite the many benefits of mentorship, it is important to remember that it is a two-way relationship. Both the mentor and mentee must be committed to the process and willing to put in the work to make it a success. This includes setting clear goals and expectations, and regularly meeting and communicating to track progress.

From being encouraged and empowered in personal development, to identifying and correcting gaps in skills and knowledge, the benefits of mentorship are innumerable and extremely valuable. If you’re interested in furthering your personal or professional growth, consider finding a mentor to guide you into greatness. 

For a more in depth and personal understanding of the benefits of mentorship, contact Chris Patterson or visit his website:


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