Recruiting Around the World for Elite Companies

Recruiting Around the World for Elite Companies
Photo Courtesy: The Talent Boom

When starting a business, you will lose sleep. Sometimes, you won’t know how you’re gonna make payroll. You often have to spend more time with your business baby than with family and friends, and the risk element means your time could go to waste if you make the wrong mistake at the wrong time. Emily Keyes knows this struggle all too well, and not only has she surpassed every outside expectation for her business, she’s built up her business, The Talent Boom Global, to staggering heights in order to help other entrepreneurs find the right talent in leadership, digital, and creative talent positions. Emily and her team at The Talent Boom Global are dedicated headhunters who strive to meet the needs of both talent and hiring partners alike. 

People are an unfinished product. They are far less reliable than most other commodities in the market. If you’re a plumber, your wrench won’t show up late or underperform in a bad week. The Talent Boom Global has turned into a household recruitment name because they work so well with people. If you’re on the talent end, you can get in touch with Emily’s team, review your resume and portfolio, and skip the long line of recruitment without a firm. The Talent Boom’s partners appreciate this expediency as well; partners include Amazon, Audible, AKQA, VaynerMedia, DAZN, and more. 

If you are looking for a firm that works with fortune 500 companies, Venture Capital projects, and startups, The Talent Boom has expert headhunting for SaaS products, creative and digital teams, and VP to C-level prospects for your business. More specifically, Emily is passionate about recruiting expats. She has been an expat herself, living in four countries across three continents, and her firm recruits vigorously from the US, UK, Amsterdam, the Middle East and Africa, East Asia, and Asian countries in the Pacific like Singapore. Overall, the company recruits for creative teams from over 50 countries. Emily can quickly adapt to new cultures and places around the world because she is a traveler and expat at heart. The Talent Boom Global has offices, headquarters, or employees in time zones around the world; no talent is out of their view.

Emily started this business with no experience, just a knowledge of her talents. She knew that she could get businesses connected to the right talent if she got face-to-face meeting time, and it’s this idea that keeps her business as a boutique style firm. The hands-on approach is tried and true, and now it’s global. When she was 15, Emily moved to London to follow her business dreams. She canvassed her talents in neighborhoods of London and Amsterdam for seven years. In 2011, she was able to bolt to Cape Town, South Africa to get The Talent Boom started, and she’s never looked back. Boasting her own headquarters now in Miami, Emily has gone from $100 to eight figure offers for the business, porsches, puppies, and homeownership since age 18. To this day, The Talent Boom Global has no line of credit, and she doesn’t want investors leaching profits from her million dollar baby. 

She’s now put herself out there on podcasts and TV shows, never shy to face the public but increasing her visibility further. She’s mentored over 100 US small businesses as a judge on multiple entrepreneur TV shows, and she’s trained up 200 more entrepreneurs through The Global Business Coach, her personal business coaching program. She’s a writer, presenter, coach, and mentor for hundreds in the business world, and more projects are yet to come!

Emily says of her business, “We’re dedicated to helping you identify the right hire to support your business goals. Let us assist in your search for the ideal talent.” Her dedication shines through in the boutique approach she takes with her global business, drawing on over 15 years of experience to deliver personalized expertise. A UK strategy director said of The Talent Boom Global, “My recruiter was patient, persistent, empathetic and very encouraging. If ever you’re ever in the position to get an email from them, answer it.” Most companies don’t even have rave reviews beyond their own state, but Emily boasts dozens of reviews from multiple continents. 

As her business continues and the team grows, Emily will continue working her hardest. Headhunting is her passion, and she loves catching the biggest fish. There’s no challenge she shies away from, and she can assist your company in sourcing C-level executives with the experience to potentially enhance leadership and performance. Check out her website and see for yourself that names as big as Burger King, the NBA, or Hilton are looking to the world’s most persistent headhunting hustler and her recruiting boutique for unmatched talent or SaaS products and digital teams. Emily and The Talent Boom Global is positioned as a notable resource in the global talent market, with Emily committed to connecting businesses with exceptional talent wherever it may be.

Published by: Martin De Juan


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