Music Review: Zach McKenzie’s Soulful Serenade “The Day that I Found You”

Zach McKenzie’s Soulful Serenade “The Day that I Found You”
Photo Courtesy: Zach McKenzie

Zach McKenzie, once just a name among many in the music industry’s rosters, has solidified his place as a beacon of soul and heart with his latest single, “The Day that I Found You”. Released on March 29, 2024, this track is not just a song but a heartfelt journey wrapped in melodies that resonate with the soul’s chords. With a history that runs deep in music, from his early days influenced by church songs to his stint at American Idol, McKenzie’s musical journey has shaped up to be as captivating as his vocals.

The track starts with a gentle yet catchy “na na na” vocalization, creating an earworm that is pleasant and inviting. As the song progresses, McKenzie’s powerful voice takes center stage, rich and full-bodied, enveloping the listener in every word he sings. The lyrics are simple yet profound, talking about the transformative power of love and the joyous realization of finding ‘the one’. What makes these words come alive is the raw emotion that McKenzie pours into each line, making listeners not just hear but feel the song.

Instrumentally, “The Day that I Found You” is a masterclass in balancing simplicity with soul. The understated guitar strums partnered with subdued drum beats create a perfect backdrop, allowing McKenzie’s vocals to shine without overpowering them. This arrangement speaks volumes of McKenzie’s understanding of music—not just as a singer but as an artist who appreciates the synergy between different elements of a track.

Produced by Lee Turner of 2twenty2 Studios, the quality of the production is palpable. Every beat, every strum, and every vocal inflection is polished to perfection, ensuring that the emotional gravity of the song is not lost but enhanced. The song’s production respects the traditional nuances of country and soul, yet gives it a contemporary feel, making it accessible and relatable to a broader audience.

The accompanying music video, directed by Joe Lane and available on YouTube, is a visual treat that extends the narrative of the song. Featuring Josh Pryor and Samantha Valadez, the video encapsulates a poignant love story that mirrors the lyrics’ emotional depth. The decision to include McKenzie’s real-life wife, Rossy, adds a layer of authenticity and personal touch that is rarely seen in music videos today.

The video’s storytelling is seamless, blending past and present scenes that perfectly match the song’s reflective mood. The portrayal of young love discovered in unexpected circumstances is crafted with sensitivity and grace, making it a compelling watch that complements the listening experience.

McKenzie’s songwriting prowess is evident as he weaves a story that is universally relatable yet personally reflective. He does not just create a song; he crafts an experience that pulls at the heartstrings. His lyrics are a blend of personal anecdotes and universal truths, making “The Day that I Found You” a song that speaks to anyone who has experienced the joy of finding love.

Moreover, McKenzie’s journey from a choir singer in Arkansas to a rising star in the competitive music industry is a narrative that adds depth to his music. His background in filmmaking and screenwriting also shines through in how the song and video are structured—like a short, musical film that tells a story as much through visuals as through sounds.

In conclusion, “The Day that I Found You” is more than just a single; it is a testament to Zach McKenzie’s growth as an artist and his ability to convey deep emotions through music. This track solidifies McKenzie’s position as a notable artist in the country soul genre and promises great things for his future projects. With his genuine approach to music and storytelling, McKenzie is not just singing songs; he is touching lives, making “The Day that I Found You” a piece not just to listen to but to cherish.


Published By: Aize Perez


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