May 5, 2024
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This Entrepreneur Is Turning Everyday People Into Bestselling Authors (and transforming their life in the process)

Tyler Wagner is an entrepreneur and podcast host whose mission is to help author’s successfully write, publish and market theri book. His company Authors Unite has helped hundreds of writers to become authors and many of them have landed on major bestseller lists such as the Wall Street Journal and USA Today.

Wagner’s journey started in college. He was always an avid reader and his favorite books revolved around business and personal development. During his reading, he read a book that changed his life. The message of productivity and building your dream lifestyle that was in Timothy Ferris’s book “The 4-Hour Workweek” changed the way that he viewed his life and his goals. Although he had read many other books, this book resonated with him at a deeper level and spurred him to take action. He dropped out of school and decided to chase his entrepreneurial dream. Based on his knowledge and experience of personal development, networking, and building meaningful connections, Wagner wrote his book, “Conference Crushing.” A book that teaches how to build relationships and grow your social network. With a combination of good writing and masterful marketing, Wagner’s book was a best seller and his life changed dramatically.

Following his own success, he realized that this was the business he had always dreamed of building. A company that helped writers to publish their book and become successful authors. That’s when he launched his company Authors Unite. Because he is committed to helping his clients not only become published authors, but also to build sustained success after they release their book, he offers a full suite of services. By working alongside the author, his team coaches them to the best path of success and supports them in every step along the way. When you look at the level of support that his company offers, you realize that he really serves as more of a business consultant and marketing agency, not just a publishing company.

This combination certainly seems to be a recipe for success. He has helped hundreds of authors to sell thousands of copies of their book and many of them have gone on to be best sellers. Some of his success stories include authors like Dr. Angela Lauria, David Hancock and Hilary Kramer who have all written books that achieved Wall Street Journal and USA Today Bestseller status.

For Wagner, the idea is simple. There are many people in the world that have an important message to share. Books are the best way to do that. Unfortunately, most authors don’t have the time or resources to properly write, publish, and market their book so that it can have the maximum reach and impact. That’s where Authors Unite comes in. With over a decade of experience writing, publishing and selling books, their team is uniquely qualified to help take aspiring authors through all the steps to have a successful book launch. Also, with his background in building a brand and business, he takes it one step further. He coaches his clients on how to find continued success even after the buzz of writing a bestselling book starts to wear down.

Tyler Wagner can be reached via his Instagram. If you want to learn more about his company and the services they offer, you can visit them at their website,

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