May 4, 2024
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Entrepreneur Andrew Giorgi on What It Takes to Succeed in Business

The ladder of success in business is not an easy climb. Many entrepreneurs can attest to how elusive success can often get. Entrepreneur Andrew Giorgi is no stranger to this reality as he, too, experienced temporary bumps along the road before he finally found the right balance. For the young and rising entrepreneur, it takes two very important things in order to excel and succeed: knowledge and execution. 

Andrew has faced numerous challenges along the way, from being in debt to being betrayed by a business partner to failing to take care of his taxes properly. Yet, despite his dreary situation, Andrew’s resolve to succeed remained intact. 

Quite often, Andrew speaks candidly about his humble beginnings whenever asked. He hails from a low-income home with only his single mother working hard to make ends meet. This reality motivated him to pursue financial success relentlessly, despite having encountered several failures along the way that taught him the value of humility. During those times of hardship, he was forced to live with his parents and grandparents again in order to survive. However, the temporary setbacks he encountered along the way did not deter him from trying again. It took him about five to six tries before he finally found his niche, something he could see himself being passionate about. 

“I came from absolutely nothing and knowing nothing about business to generate multiple seven-figures in four years and learning a lot about my strengths and weaknesses within the business, and how I learned about those strengths and weaknesses in business which I feel is something that people don’t discuss as much as they should,” Andrew revealed. 

Throughout his journey towards success, Andrew has had many valuable realizations, including the reality that “Your first success isn’t going to last forever even though it feels like it.” He also emphasized the importance of putting agreements with potential partners in writing to protect the interests of all involved. 

“You need to trust that your gut intuition will take you there. It may not be how you pictured it, but trying to control every aspect of how you attain/achieve long-term goals actually indirectly sets you back farther from achieving them. I did not think I would be where I am right now the way it happened. It was always a goal to be where I am now (and yes, I still have bigger goals), but I did not picture getting here the way I did. It goes to show you can’t try to control every aspect of how you achieve your long-term goals,” he added. Despite his current success, Andrew has no plans of slowing down anytime soon. He still envisions himself growing multiple seven to nine-figure companies that will give jobs to thousands of people and fully intends to excel as COO and CMO by working on building his strengths further. Aside from this, he also sees himself impacting thousands of lives by empowering them to attain passive income and diversity in their portfolio through mentoring. Andrew is eager to share everything he has learned about business over the past years and see more people take control of the direction of their businesses so that they, too, can enjoy a remarkable income that will change their lives forever.

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