The Rock Paper Scissors Foundation Creates a Safe Space to Join Others in Their Journey to Healing

Personal healing is a journey that everyone believes they must take alone, but the truth is that one can heal with a support system behind them. Kristal Klear is a certified trauma coach who is on a mission to uplift people by transforming them into an improved and wholesome version of themselves. She created the Rock Paper Scissors Foundation as a means to fulfill her goal.

The Rock Paper Scissors Foundation or RPS is an organization that specializes in supporting people who have been physically, mentally, sexually, and emotionally abused and have been victims of human trafficking. The organization uses prevention and healing to give a voice to those silenced by all forms of abuse, low self-esteem, and human trafficking with an end goal of creating overcomers.

“We do this by creating awareness via social media, various community events, speaking out and speaking up at different venues and events, connecting the needy with resources and referrals, offering programs of healing for survivors, providing intervention programs and support for young people in our society through the school system by supporting law enforcement efforts in cracking down on this epidemic, and most of all, by loving people back to life,” said RPS founder Kristal Klear.

Although there are many organizations that strive to fulfill the same mission, the Rock Paper Scissors Foundation sets itself apart from them with its organic sense of providing community awareness, making a global impact, and unifying all walks of life. The organization also takes pride in not moving within the box. RPS tries to do something new by customizing each personal event program and opportunity to the real, true, and authentic needs of the community and peers  its’ serving. The organization stands firm in being natural healers through transparency and truth with freedom as the end goal. There’s no shame or  condemnation when it comes to RPS, it’s more like  their trademarked slogan “Shame Off You.”

Kristal Klear wanted to build the brand based on her personal healing journey. Being unable to find a community or support system that broke the stigma off of hard issues was difficult. She wanted to give others a safe place to unify character development and establish one’s voice of truth. Kristal is renowned for her passion to restore people from brokenness to wholeness by challenging them with one of her favorite slogans, “We can’t do anything about the past, but we sure can do something about the future.”

Rock Paper Scissors Foundation’s impact can be attributed to Kristal’s influence and expertise. She has been thoroughly trained in human trafficking, abuse, and is a certified trauma coach. Kristal has been using her training to shed light on the dark practice of exploitation within communities by educating them and raising awareness. Having already created a significant impact on her community, Kristal Klear foresees the Rock Paper Scissors Foundation elevating itself to create a wider impact through programming, current affairs, community activism, resources, and conferences nationally, traveling from state to state.

The organization is working to push for a bill to pass for human trafficking for all girls but with a specific focus on brown girls who are often overlooked in the national conversation. It’s imperative that brown girls feel safe and given the protection and voice they need. “We see ourselves being fully funded and staffed and duplicated,” said Kristal. “We see training programs that go into organizations to make sure we are bringing awareness.”


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