Creating a Winning Dating Profile: Tips from Coach Cam Hashemi from The Grand Male

Creating a Winning Dating Profile: Tips from Coach Cam Hashemi from The Grand Male
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In today’s world, there’s a certain undertone to every conversation a man has with a woman at a bar. While both may be well-intentioned, it sits in the back of their minds that online dating is always an option if things go south. But the problem is dating apps won’t lead to lasting relationships if they aren’t used to their full potential.

We all know deep down that most men fill their dating profiles with surface-level jokes and arrogant, exaggerated reflections of their lives. But Grand Cam, the CEO of The Grand Male, knows how being too superficial online can lead to dwindling success with women. Here are his step-by-step tips for creating a dating profile guaranteed to match you with your ideal woman:

1. Upload photos, not fabrications

It’s easy to give in to gym mirror selfies or pics of you fishing when every other guy is doing the same. But to hit the mark with women who want a meaningful relationship, you should keep it real instead.

“You should have high-quality, high-value photos on your dating profile that show you in the most authentic and masculine way,” Cam says. “That means showcasing your lifestyle, displaying fun things, and letting a woman imagine what it would be like to date you.”

The aspects of your character you should get across are your trustworthiness, charm, and lack of judgment. Appearing in this way will make a woman feel comfortable swiping right on you and put the future in your hands.

2. Boss your bio

Whatever different platforms call them, there’s more to bios than one-liners or leaving it blank. They can be a powerful tool for establishing a meaningful connection with a woman, even if you haven’t spoken yet. Grand Cam believes there are two fundamentals to nail to get the right woman’s attention.

“Firstly, you need a ‘shocker statement,’” the dating coach says. “This is a hook to make a woman curious about who you are through your bio.”

“Then, you need to have a ‘humblebrag,’” he continues. “This is a fun fact about yourself, such as an achievement or a thrilling experience you had, but avoid being arrogant.”

So-called dating prompts can be a compelling differentiator in your bio. But Cam stresses never to paint yourself in a bad light, even if you think you’re hilarious. If you’re after your ideal woman, center on tangible qualities that make you a highly-coveted potential partner.

Now you’ve got the basics down, it’s time to decide who could be a suitable match for you. Set clear ‘swipe left’ and ‘swipe right’ markers from the get-go. If a woman doesn’t enjoy one of your favorite pastimes, that could be a disqualifier. On the other hand, if a woman is openly enthusiastic about your way of life, she’s a definite contender.

3. Converse with curiosity

Hopefully, you’ve been through enough ‘lefts’ and ‘rights’ to find someone who likes you too. After all, with the killer profile you made in steps one and two, how could they resist? You’ve still got a way to go, though. The dating coach has clear guidelines for starting a conversation and keeping it alive. 

“For your opening message, find an interesting photo or something interesting from her bio that intrigues you,” Cam explains. “Ask her about it. When she responds, you can double down on your introduction by bringing up a personal experience and relating it to the conversation.”

Even though it might be going well, try not to fall into the emoji trap. Too many guys use those little emoticons with too much enthusiasm too soon. Alternatively, try using an often-overlooked, less corny emoji. Or, if in doubt, avoid using them altogether and focus on having a memorable conversation.

Creating a dating profile is simple when you think about it. Through internet tropes and mundane masculinity, men have arguably reduced online matchmaking to its lower common denominator. That’s all the more reason for you, using tips from The Grand Male, to stand out from the crowd and land a date with your perfect woman.


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