Have you ever looked up into the sky at a passing helicopter and thought, “I bet a real estate agent is up there giving someone a tour of a big property.”?
Probably not.
Well, if you lived in Sarasota, Florida, that might be exactly what you’re seeing.
Lee Brewer runs one of the highest ranking real estate teams in Florida and is among the top 1% in the world. Yes, he owns his own helicopter, which he will occasionally fly clients around in, and yes, his 6-person team does have a higher sales volume than many companies that have 40 to 50 agents, but is that what gets Lee up in the morning to face the day?
Absolutely not.
Lee’s driving force is the same now as it was 23 years ago when he started his real estate career: to be a blessing in someone else’s life.
Before becoming a successful real estate agent, Lee Brewer worked as a professional hairstylist. During this time, he began to buy small investment properties as another way to get ahead. He quickly realized that he found the world of real estate exciting and began to put more of his time toward it, eventually receiving his real estate license. Lee balanced both hairstyling and housing for a while, but he eventually decided to take a leap and dive full time into real estate. It would be sink or swim, as, after 22 years of hairstyling, Lee sold his salon and put all of his attention into his new venture.
It wasn’t long before people started to realize that Lee was different than many other real estate agents. He didn’t focus on the money or the numbers; he put every ounce of his energy into his clients. He believed that selling houses wasn’t about making sales; it was about helping people into homes and selling them when it was time to make a move. It was about bringing a wonderful experience to any who came to him for help. The more customers that he helped, the more experience he gathered, and the faster he grew. Lee Brewer found that he loved making other people’s dreams come true, and he was willing to put in all the extra work necessary to bring these dreams into reality.
For quite some time, Lee worked on his own and never had any plans to start up his own team. He always felt that he wasn’t there to create a large business; he was there to be a blessing to other people. But then he realized that, although he was already helping clients in wonderful ways, there was another group of people who could benefit from Lee’s assistance. By this time, Lee had accumulated experience and knowledge and had become very successful in his field. But he saw that not all real estate agents were achieving their goals and that some newer agents really struggled to get their careers off the ground. Lee took the initiative and decided to put together a small team with the primary purpose of teaching them how to become successful Realtors. His mission, though, wasn’t to build an empire. He put together his group of people with the singular vision of trying to be a blessing in their lives. He simply wanted to see them succeed. With Lee’s guidance and training, these agents have become some of the top producers in the industry.
And Lee’s guidance is not something to be overlooked. After 23 years in the industry and doing an incredible amount of business, Lee has nearly seen it all. He is well equipped to handle anything that comes his way, often working through complicated transactions that a less seasoned agent may not be able to handle. When something unexpected arises, Lee refuses to back down. He will go above and beyond to find a way to help his clients get what they need. He understands that when people come to him, they’re not just browsing, they’re looking for completion. They are there to buy and sell properties, and he will do everything in his power to see that it happens.
“If there’s a problem, we know how to fix it,” Lee says. “We know who to call. There’s never a ‘no.’ There’s always a ‘yes,’ or ‘later.’ We don’t ever give up.”
But Lee Brewer’s desire to help goes beyond his business. He also believes in giving back in his personal life. He is active in the church, and it’s not out of the ordinary to find him out in the community, looking for new ways to make a difference. One of Lee’s most recent campaigns was called “Soles for Souls,” in which he helped distribute shoes to those in need across the entire country.
And he has no plan on slowing down.
“I want to continue servicing the clients we have, enriching the lives of those we are around, and being a blessing. If we can accomplish all of that, then anything we ever want we will have.”
Website : https://www.leebrewer.com/
Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/RealtorLeeBrewer
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leebrewer61/